All you need to know about tinnitus and the symptoms
What is Tinnitus?
The British Tinnitus Association (BTA) states that the word 'tinnitus' comes from the Latin word for 'ringing' and is the perception of sound without any corresponding external sound. To those who suffer from this condition, it is simply the annoying ringing that is driving you crazy!
The constant irritation of tinnitus is often a source of great distress for many sufferers, affecting their daily lives both socially and at work. Sleep patterns can also be disturbed as the noise often seems much worse when the environment around you is quiet.
Tinnitus itself is not a disease, but usually, a side effect of another ear condition and the exact cause is still unknown. Many people have experienced this at some point but in a lot of cases, it is temporary. It can come on after a sudden loud noise or after going to a club or concert. There are two main types of tinnitus
Subjective - This is when only the sufferer hears the sound. This type of tinnitus is often noise-induced or could be a side effect to some medications.
Objective – This type of tinnitus means that the sound can also be heard by others. This is often the result of muscle spasms and sometimes seems to pulse in time with the heartbeat (pulsatile tinnitus).
At the moment there is no actual cure for this condition but there are many products and techniques specifically designed to ease the problem.
When it comes to hearing aids, some manufacturers are now incorporating technology into their products to help ease the symptoms of tinnitus. They are equipped with programs that will produce harmonic tones that help to mask the irritating ringing or buzzing sounds, making it easier to cope.
Top tips for tinnitus sufferers
Around 10% of the UK population suffers from tinnitus. It can occur at any age but is more common in older people. It can sound like virtually anything but is most commonly a whistling, ringing or buzzing. Being a tinnitus sufferer myself, I can empathise with the millions of people who experience this phenomenon. There are many possible causes and to date, nobody understands its true nature. Being in a noisy place can start it off and it can be temporary or permanent.
Here are the top tips:
1)Â Â Seek Help:Â This is perhaps the most important tip. Many things can be done to reduce the effects of tinnitus. It is a question of identifying what works best for you. Everybody is different and getting to the root cause can be enlightening. Some people experience tinnitus or worsening tinnitus if they are stressed. Reduce the stress and you may well reduce the tinnitus. Some people experience tinnitus when their ears become blocked with wax.
In this instance, it is usually not the wax itself generating the sound but the fact that natural sounds are being heard quieter (thus making the tinnitus noticeable or more noticeable). A visit to your GP can be useful but some GPs are not as experienced in offering advice so a tinnitus specialist may be required.
2)  How’s your hearing?: Tinnitus is most common among people with hearing loss. If you need hearing aids then there’s a strong likelihood that hearing aids will help. By introducing sound to the ears, the person can be distracted from tinnitus.  Many hearing aid manufacturers have developed hearing aids with specific features to benefit people with tinnitus.Â
These work in slightly different ways so you may need to experiment. Some generate soothing sounds when required and others produce sounds that are barely detectable but can reduce the sensation of tinnitus. Seeking the advice of a hearing aid audiologist should be your first port of call. If you have tinnitus then a hearing test is essential – even if you think your hearing is normal.
3)Â Â What does it sound like?:Â As explained, tinnitus can sound like almost anything at all. Most tinnitus is in both ears (sides) and is generally heard as if the sound is in the centre of your head. If your tinnitus is in one ear (side) or if it pulses then you should waste no time in seeking advice. Hearing aid audiologist or your GP.
4)Â Â Enrich your environment:Â Many people (like me) forget they have tinnitus for most of the day and it is most likely to be noticeable when in a quiet situation - like at night. There is a range of different devices that can generate soothing sounds like waves on a shore which can help distract you from the tinnitus.
5)  Don’t give up: What works for one person does not necessarily work for another but you won’t know until you try. Try different things but don’t become obsessed. Obsession can cause stress and stress can exacerbate tinnitus.
Need more support with tinnitus?
Call us free on 0800 567 7721 for more information about tinnitus and how hearing aids can help manage and ease the symptoms.